Live Streaming Info

Avi Zurel
Fullstack Network
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2017


This is a very short post to help you find where the stream happen and general guidelines.

Streaming channels

The live stream happens to 3 channels in parallel right now:

  1. Twitch
  2. LiveEdu
  3. Youtube

Streaming starts at 9pm PST and is usually about 1.5-2.5 hours long.

Participation is encouraged

The purpose of the stream is educational and motivational. If you an an engineer you will find the content relevant.

It is rare to “look over the shoulder” of a senior engineer working on a real life project with real life tools. This is *not* a tutorial or scripted in any way.

So, participation is encouraged. Any question is a good question. Don’t be shy.

Chat / Community

Chat in-stream you can just use the Twitch/LiveEdu chat, for off-stream communications, we use Discord


Donations are welcome and go towards making the stream better and maintain the schedule.


All streams are recorded and you can find them on Youtube about an hour after the stream.


We post recaps of the stream a day after (Fri recap is posted on Monday usually). Check them out on Fullstack Network

