Building a real-world full-stack, connected Pomodoro timer — Live streaming

Avi Zurel
Fullstack Network
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2017


If you haven’t been following “the full stack network” streaming sessions, you definitely should start now (

Starting today, we are going to build a true full stack application on the stream. (Don’t worry if the timezones don’t match. We will be uploading all of the sessions to YouTube).

What is the application?

The application is the most connected Pomodoro timer you will ever see.

As mentioned above, the application is the most connected Pomodoro timer ever with the purpose of removing distractions in an open space environment as a side-effect.

One of the best parts of this application is a physical device that you stick on your monitor (from the back side or top), which will show red when you are working on a task.

Currently, the “do not disturb me” is putting your headphones on. This will solve it in a better way. Green when you can be approached and red when you are dialed in and working on a task.

Really a full stack. Real world kind of full stack

Even before digging into this post, you can already likely see how this is a full stack and what are the challenges. But we’ll dive in here

The moving parts (and the languages we’ll use)

  1. Server side (We will be using Node.js on the server side and PGsql to store the data)
  2. We will host this inside of docker on the Google compute engine
  3. Client side of this will be multiple parts
    a. OSX — Electron and Node.js
    b. Mobile — React Native
    c. Web — React and Redux
    We are going to keep it as simple as possible, approaching this as an MVP. But, since this is an educational video, I would like to add some sort of forced complication like using micro-services for one of the parts and serverless for another (We’ll see how it goes)
  4. led on your computer — This is likely going to be some sort of an electrical circuit. It is going to communicate via USB and no WiFi or anything complicated. The software on the computer will communicate with it.
  5. CLI — Golang. You will be able to start tasks using the CLI. This is for hackers after all.


Get involved

  • First, follow on twitch here
  • Subscribe on YouTube here.
  • Join the discord for chat (even when the stream is offline).
  • Join the subreddit here
  • Follow this blog on medium

Streaming schedule

For July. We are going to be streaming *every single weekday* at 8pm PST.

The streams will usually take 2 hours and we welcome your participations and your questions.

Open source

Everything we are going to build is going to be 100% open source. You can check out the org page on Github here

Come join us

I really hope to see you involved. Whether you can make it to the live stream or not. Would love your comments on Youtube and here on the blog for the recaps.

Hack on

